All the Letterlanders love a tasty treat, but can you guess what each Letterlander likes to eat the most? Read on to find out!

Annie Apple adores making amazing meals after an active day of swinging around Letterland. She always tries to make recipes that include anchovies, asparagus and avocado.
Bouncy Ben uses lots of energy as he bounces around Letterland, so he likes to bake buns as a treat for him and his brothers. He says they are best when he blends blackberries with Brazil nuts! He also enjoys eating buttery bagels for breakfast and barbecuing burgers for dinner.

Clever Cat likes cooking with lots of things like cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cashew nuts, cous cous and cranberries too. Can you guess what she like to make most with carrots? Carrot cake, of course!
Dippy Duck dines on duckweed and dandelions, but she has decided that doughnuts, dates, dumplings and danish pastries are delicious, too!

Eddy Elephant enjoys eggs, eclairs, elderberries and enchiladas. Though he encourages you not to eat everything at once!
Firefighter Fred heads to the fridge after a long day of firefighting. What does he find? Feta, figs, fruit and fish.

Golden Girl guzzles the grape juice that her Grandma makes. She also loves grapefruits, gooseberries and gherkins. She's never greedy, but she likes to snack on goat's cheese.
Harry Hat Man always hopes that haddock, halibut or hamburgers are on the menu when he has dinner. He's very happy if he can have horse radish sauce too!

Impy Ink is always impressed with Italian food. He finds it incredibly irresistible.
Jumping Jim jumps for joy when jam or jelly are on his plate. He washes them down with a glass of juice.
Kicking King says the key to a great kebab is covering it in ketchup. He's also always keen to eat kale, kidney beans and kiwi fruit!

Lucy Lamp Light loves having lentils, leeks, lettuce and lobster for lunch. She says they are lush.
Munching Mike makes marvellous meals. When he's not munching on bits of metal, his Mum makes him mushroom macaroni, mangoes, melons and marshmallows.
Noisy Nick nibbles on nectarines, nougat and nuts when he's hungry, and he says noodles are really nice.

Oscar Oscar is obsessed with olives and oregano and octopus! He often adds them to omelettes.
Peter Puppy is partial to eating pancakes covered in peaches. He think that are pizza, pasta, peppers and potatoes are perfect, too!

Quarrelsome Queen is quite keen on quails eggs, quinces and quark.
Red Robot raves about raisins, raspberries and rhubarbs. He also regularly has rice with radishes and ricotta cheese when he is ravenous.

Sammy Snake savours salty salmon, sardines, seaweed and sunflower seeds. He always selects strawberries as a sweet snack, too.
Talking Tess tries to eat tomatoes, tofu, turkey and turnips all the time, but toffee and tangerines are her tastiest treats. She also loves takeaways!

Uppy Umbrella thinks that upside-down cake and ugli fruit are unbelievable!
Vicky Violet cooks a lot of vegetarian and vegan meals. She uses lots of vegetables, vermicelli, vinegar and vine leaves.

Walter Walrus wants to eat waffles, walnuts and watercress. When it is warm weather, he has lots of watermelon and water.
Fix-it Max gets extremely excited when he can eat flaxseeds!

Yellow Yo-yo Man says yogurt and yams are yummy. He also wants to ask if you know that the yellow bit in an egg is called a yolk?
Zig Zag Zebra munches on zabaglione and zucchini after zipping around Letterland all day. She also enjoys anything zesty!
Want to hear more from the Letterlanders? Why not check out their ideas on how to save the planet, or have a peek at what animals they like the most! You could even find out their best jokes!