Last week, the Letterland team headed over to the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) to sign a new contract with Xi'an Joatong University Press (XJUP).
XJUP have had a licensing agreement for Letterland's Fix-it Phonics materials since 2012, and we are delighted to announce that this contract has been extended, and will now include our new Fix-it Phonics (Second Edition) resources.
To find out more about these new products, check out our blog post about what's new in the updated ESL resources.

Before the signing ceremony, Ian Taylor of Ian Taylor Associates (ITA) gave a speech where he discussed the 14 years that ITA have been working with Letterland. He spoke about the pleasure of working with a family company, and how he feels that XJUP has now become a part of the Letterland family.
Tom Wendon, our Director of Sales and Marketing, represented both Letterland and Lyn Wendon, Letterland's originator (and Tom's grandmother!)
"Letterland had its 50th anniversary last year and it’s amazing to think how far our publishing company has come since my grandmother started all those years ago. Today, we are now selling our books in over 100 countries around the world. Sales at Letterland grew last year by 29% and much of this sales growth was due to sales in China. This success wouldn’t be possible without the support and the enthusiasm of teachers who have embraced Letterland as a way to teach children how to read and write English.
We are also so grateful to our partners around the world like Ian Taylor Associates in Beijing and of course Xi’an Jiaotong University Press. Without you, we would not be where we are today. In 2012, we licenced our ELT range, Fix-it Phonics, to Xi’an Jiaotong University Press and for 8 years our partnership has been very successful. Xi-an Jiaotong University Press has steadily increased sales over the years and worked very hard to promote Letterland in China. It gives me great pleasure to confirm that we will be extending our license agreement to include the Letterland Fix-it Phonics (Second Edition) materials. I very much look forward to many more successful years working in partnership with Xi’an Jiaotong University Press."
- Tom Wendon
Everyone at Letterland is delighted with this extended contract, and we look forward to continuing the great partnership that we have with XJUP!