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An A-Z of Veg!


All the Letterlanders LOVE eating vegetables - especially because they know it'll keep them fit and healthy! Read on to find out which ones they eat the most, and how they like to cook them. You might even pick up a few top tips on how to create tasty, nutritious meals.


Annie Apple is obviously a BIG fan of fruit, but did you know that she also loves to eat avocados, alfalfa and asparagus?

Bouncy Ben tries to stay healthy, so he often boils broccoli, beans and Brussels sprouts for his dinner. He loves bamboo shoots too!

Clever Cat cares about what she cooks. She creates cauliflower, cabbage and corn treats, and her specialty is caramelized carrots!


Dippy Duck makes delicious dill pickles with her Dad. Did you know that you can also eat dandelions just like Dippy Duck!

Eddy Elephant enjoys eating eggplant. Some people call them aubergines but of course Eddy prefers vegetables that start with his sound!

Firefighter Fred likes fresh fennel from the farmer's market.


Golden Girl has a whole GARDEN of vegetables! She grows everything from garlic to greens, then grills them with help from her Granny.

Harry Hat Man is a big fan of herbs - he says they make any meal taste heavenly, especially when he's hungry.

Impy Ink is interested in Italian food. He loves an irresistible Italian salad!


Jumping Jim likes to juice all his vegetables and drink smoothies throughout the day to give him lots of energy for juggling. He particularly likes Jerusalem artichokes!

Kicking King is always keen on kale, kidney beans and kohlrabi. He knows that eating vegetables is key to staying healthy.

Lucy Lamp Light loves having leeks and lettuce for lunch. She also likes to buy her vegetables locally.


Munching Mike makes marvellous mushroom meals with his mother. She tells him that he must eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

Noisy Nick asks 'Did you know you can eat nettles? But make sure you neutralize their sting first!'.

Oscar Orange also loves fruit, but knows that he needs to eat a balanced diet. He often adds olives and oregano to his dinner.


Peter Puppy stays perky and playful because he eats plenty of vegetables. He particularly likes peas, potatoes and parsnips!

Quarrelsome Queen wants you to know that even though quinoa is eaten as a grain, it actually grows more similarly to spinach than anything else.

Red Robot regularly roasts radishes, after a long day of running around Letterland.


Sammy Snake sometimes has sauteed spinach and sweetcorn when he's starving! He’s says sweet potatoes and seaweed are splendid too!

Talking Tess tries to cook turnips in lots of different ways. She knows that you can boil them, mash them OR roast them, and serve them with tofu.

Uppy Umbrella understands that some people may have not heard of ulluco - a root vegetable, with edible leaves (similar to spinach) and roots (similar to potato).


Vicky Violet likes vegetables that grow vertically on vines! She even eats vine leaves.

Walter Walrus adds watercress to his sandwiches. He also thinks vegetables taste wonderful after being fried in a wok with a bit of wasabi.

Fix-it Max has extra vegetables when he's feeling exhausted. He expects that the vitamins in them will make him feel extraordinary,


Yellow Yo-yo Man has been eating yams for years. Guess which kind he finds the most yummy... Yellow yams!

Zig Zag Zebra munches on zucchini after zipping around Letterland all day.


We hope you enjoyed reading about all the Letterlanders' top vegetables!

Want to know more? Why not read our post on how all the Letterlander's like to help save the planet.

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